這也是一個還不錯的程式碼或文字編輯器(如圖),Open Source,以 Java 程式語言所撰寫,支援的功能有語法高亮度、可以一次開啟多份文件、列印及預覽列印、搜尋及取代文字、設定書籤、undo/redo、巨集(macro)、可以遠端開啟文件(ftp、http)、過濾、拼字、樣板等等功能及支援 Code completion 的語言如 C, HTML, Java, Perl, PHP,shell scripting,而 Java 預設是沒啟用這項功能,因為作者說尚未完成,可能等下個 release 版本吧,它的有些功能需要 Java 6u10+版本,甚至更高的 Java 編譯器版本,所以你就乾脆升級到最新 JRE-6u21 吧,支援多國語言介面包含繁體中文,在選單 Tools--->Edit Tools 選擇語言,不過繁體中文翻譯的有點怪怪的,如 macro(宏,照 google 翻譯的),基本上這個工具跑起來非常順,蠻不錯的,試看看,你也可以試試其它同類型軟體如 jEdit、PSPad、NotePad++(推薦)、Notepad X、Lightning Text Editor、AkelPad;底下是 RText 它網站對該工具新功能介紹:

- Code completion support (Ctrl+C) for C, HTML, Java, Perl, PHP, and shell scripting. Each language has a different level of "support." Java completion is disabled by default, since it is still unfinished, to help minimize "bug reports." Please consider enabling it and playing around, and you can give feedback in the RSyntaxTextArea forums.
- Format your HTML and XML code via JTidy. Formatting options are configurable in the Options dialog. I hope to add formatting for more languages in the future.
- Added an option to ignore ".bak", ".old" and ".orig" extension when opening files. Very handy if you're constantly making backups of stuff like I am.
- Added ActionScript syntax highlighting. Feedback requested!
- Groovy syntax highlighting improvements (JDK 6/GDK additions).
- Added translucent child window support (requires Java 6u10+, though only really seems to work well with around 6u16). Configure when and how much your Find and Replace dialogs turn translucent in the Options dialog.
- Enhancements to the File System Tree - more stuff to do in the popup menu, and drill down into directories to focus in on just the files you're editing.
- Tons of smaller improvements for an overall better experience, many in the editor component.